Wednesday, May 6, 2009

This Just In: Pot Calls Kettle Black

Which is the greater evil, the people who post these photos online and taunt the parents, or the "news" station that exploits the situation and acts like they care? People who work in news, (a part of the entertainment business), know damn well that they are only causing more people to look for these crash photos. They didn't need to include any of the crash scene photos, but they show one anyway even though they know it only makes people more curious about the rest of the photos. They do it because it makes the show more exciting and brings in more viewers. At the end of the segment they even leave viewers with not too subtle instructions on how to find the photos:

If that isn't a dare for people to load up Google and search for "Catsouras," I don't know what is.

Do yourself a favor and don't search for the photos.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Red Light Cameras!

At least running a red light isn't going to be considered a violent crime simply because people have been harmed or injured by drivers who have run red lights.