Wednesday, May 6, 2009

This Just In: Pot Calls Kettle Black

Which is the greater evil, the people who post these photos online and taunt the parents, or the "news" station that exploits the situation and acts like they care? People who work in news, (a part of the entertainment business), know damn well that they are only causing more people to look for these crash photos. They didn't need to include any of the crash scene photos, but they show one anyway even though they know it only makes people more curious about the rest of the photos. They do it because it makes the show more exciting and brings in more viewers. At the end of the segment they even leave viewers with not too subtle instructions on how to find the photos:

If that isn't a dare for people to load up Google and search for "Catsouras," I don't know what is.

Do yourself a favor and don't search for the photos.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Red Light Cameras!

At least running a red light isn't going to be considered a violent crime simply because people have been harmed or injured by drivers who have run red lights.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The federal government continues to put itself on the level of pimps and drug dealers

Smokers feeling abused as federal tax hike hits

Every time I hear about state or federal governments exacting what amounts to a 'sin tax' on products they consider to be immoral or harmful, it drives me crazy. To publicly decry cigarettes or alcohol, then turn around and make money hand over fist off the sale of said items is indistinguishable from a pimp who is ostensibly a figurehead against prostitution or a drug dealer who is ostensibly a figurehead in the war on drugs. The only things worst than pimps and drug dealers are pimps and drug dealers who happen to be hypocrites.

Congratulations government, you continue to put yourself on the level of hypocritical pimps and drug dealers.

*I neither advocate nor oppose the use of cigarettes or alcohol*

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Absolut Mango: Avoid at All Costs

There isn't really much more I have to say other than avoid the following bottle at all costs. Absolut Vodka is fantastic but their mango variation just doesn't cut it.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Saturday, February 21, 2009


With the success of the Transformers movie, a G.I. Joe movie was greenlit. To cut to the chase it looks like a terrible movie. And yet, I can't wait for it to come out because it looks like exactly the sort of balls to the wall, cartoony, manly action fest that I would have watched twenty-seven times in a row when I was ten and played with action figures. I guess I haven't really grown up all that much.

Here's the trailer:

After hearing about the G.I. Joe movie, the first response of a friend of mine was "will they be fighting a giant magnifying glass?" Genius.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

This doctor's children almost made it till the cease-fire

The IDF just doesn't care who gets in the way.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The situation just keeps getting worse...

Now Human Rights Watch has accused Israel of using white phosphorus, which impartially burns everyone in its' path and is generally considered inhumane. Beyond white phosphorus, Israel has become so out of control that they are unaware whether or not they are responsible for bombing a U.N. relief agency compound. Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev claims "if it was Israel's fire, it was a grave mistake," and says "it could have been ours, it could have been Hamas', this is being investigated."

If any further proof was needed that Israel has become out of control and is simply attacking anyone and anything in the general area of Gaza, this is it.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hamas continues to fire rockets, Israel continues to react in the worst way possible.

20 more rockets have been fired into Israel today from Gaza assumedly by Hamas. Israel continued indiscriminately bombing, shelling and shooting at whatever the fuck they please, burning several and killing one person in a U.N. school. It doesn't seem like this conflict will end anytime soon, especially with Israeli forces having no stated goal other than to stop rocket attacks which is becoming an obvious lost cause.

Friday, January 9, 2009

What will it take for blind support of Israel to stop?

How bad do the stories from the conflict between Israel and Palestine have to get before other countries and the U.N. step up and put a stop to what amounts to Israel's acts of terrorism? The latest story hasn't been substantiated as 100% fact yet but according to many eyewitnesses Israel ordered Palestinian civilians, (that's ordinary people who work and have families), to take shelter in a house which they then bombed, killing thirty of the people inside (from CNN). Perhaps the story isn't entirely accurate, but then there are also the incidents with the U.N. humanitarian workers. The IDF just doesn't care who they shoot anymore. Men, women, children, the ones who aren't killed are left injured or with nothing. The U.N. tried to instigate a truce, but that only lasted about 15 minutes. I would expect the small groups of terrorists to break a truce after 15 minutes, but I would hope that Israel might be able to last a bit longer. That's Wishful thinking I guess.

Even if I were to set these stories aside, what Israel is doing is wrong. Their over-aggressive attitude where they paint a target on every living person in Gaza is disgusting. The U.S. has to stop waiting and hoping something comes out of the meetings in Cairo. Hundreds of non-combatants are dying while the leaders talk. Israel claims that their offensive is intended to stop rocket fire into Israel, but after killing over eight hundred Palestinians, their actions haven't put a damper on rocket attacks. The only thing Israel's offensive is doing is leaving Gaza full of thousands of parentless and homeless children who now hate Israel for killing their parents and destroying all they hold dear. For every terrorist or enemy combatant that Israel kills, they are creating five or ten more.

Blind support of Israel needs to end and it needs to end now.