It's always interesting the sort of sights that normal human beings don't expect to see and are surprised by even while we know they must occur and frequently.
An example: in the underpopulated province of Manitoba there are, on average, between sixteen and seventeen weddings per day, (, from the extravagant to two people and a justice of the peace. During the summer the number is much higher. Of course this means that on an average day conservatively there are sixteen or more vehicles ferrying prospective husbands and wives to and from wedding venues.
Why then am I so struck as I sit here in one of the several dozen coffeeshops in Winnipeg when from the corner of my eye I see a young lady in gown and tiara? Granted, the truck being a Ford Ranger whose thirty-something years in this world have taken a toll roughly equivalent to being run over by Grave Digger adds to the effect that I must have been hallucinating. Someone has obviously made an attempt to clean up the vehicle that no amount of paint or soap is going to make this vehicle anything more than some sort of an automotive Joan Rivers. I have to take a step back though, whoever said that every bride has to be, let alone can afford to be, chauffeured to her wedding in a limousine or horse drawn carriage?
Mungowit's End
5 years ago